Thursday, May 28, 2009

Arkansas - the Natural State

Ok. For starters... I have no idea what it means by 'The Natural State".

Here is a list of random life happs in the grand land of Arkansas-
  • Sweet Tea - nectar of the gods. We may not have fresh water, but by golly let their be sweet tea!
  • 2 new addictions - 1) bejeweled blitz on facebook and 2) tennis. I am going to be the next Serena Williams (ha.)
  • I am getting some reading done. Currently working on the C.S. Lewis Space Trilogy
  • Got a killlllllller massage today.
  • Doing some sleeping in.
  • Went to a fish fry last night. If that doesn't scream the 'south', then I don't know what
  • Newest employee at Nike. It's a pretty sweet set up.

That's all that comes to mind. That and I am horrible at maintaining this blog. But here are some pictures for your pleasure:

Grace just learned how to show some love by kissing.... Mylo the cat as her next victim.

- Showing some love to her pink bunny -

-Reaching up to peruse some leisure reading...

-Spending some quiet time in The Word-

"Ah yes, I believe the passage on predestination is right here....."

-She l-o-v-e-s sticking out her tongue.

1 comment:

Megs said...

So cute!!! :) So good summer so far then?