I would love to think there is some ounce of my brain that could have thought this prayer up...this is not my prayer, but it is my desire.
So many times in our lives we are just walking through the day just to get it done and simply not enjoying the small wonders of God's infinite love for us. When have you spent time gazing into the stars? What about rolling the window down in a car while driving and letting the air glide through your fingers? How about sitting on a park bench absorbing all the action of fall with a playground full of children screaming to the top of their lungs with joy?
We wake up. We grumble and groan that the sun is on our eyes...it woke us up.
We complain about traffic. If only that person in front of us would go 2 mph over, then I would beable to get to work, school, or wherever 1 minute earlier than I am now!
We sigh a breath muttering a prayer in hopes the week will fly so the weekend will come... only to have the weekend fly and the week anew fill up the exact request.
This is my prayer. Not for health, success, riches, fame, good luck, or anything else. Simply the grace of wonder:
"Dear Lord, grant me the grace of wonder. Surprise me, amaze me, awe me in every crevice of Your universe. Delight me to see how Your Christ plays in 10,000 places, lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not His, to the Father through the features of men's faces. Each day enrapture me with Your marvelous things without number. I do not ask to see the reason for it all. I ask only to share the wonder of it all."
-Joshua Abraham Heschel
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