It's a simple word, but has a profound meaning. What does it mean to trust? Able to tell someone a secret, trusting they will keep it? Trusting someone with something valuable of yours? Trusting someone with your lives?
As Christians, we are not necessarily called to have 'faith', to 'hope', or to 'believe'....but to have a radical, off-the-wall, ruthless trust. A trust in our Father with no strings attached. A trust so wild that you are willing to let your Father take you to the unknowns of the world and not know the outcome... but be perfectly ok with that.
A question if I have ever had this type of Trust. I think so many times in the lives of Christians we claim to trust the Maker especially during times of prosperity when the sun is shining and there is not a care in the world... but do we Trust God during the dark times? During the times of lonliness, loss, during times of struggling hardships and adversity? I do believe a majority of people would have backed out by now, trying to get a reimbursement for their ticket.
Oh how God longs for us to completely trust Him. Not just trusting Him in the small details of life, or the good things in life... but THROUGH IT ALL. If, as Christians, God would not call us to trust Him, there would be no challange for us. It is just the same as if we knew everything that was going to happen to us in life before it actually did....we would have no sense in relying in someone of a greater power to direct our lives. Hence, no purpose for Christianity and definitely no purpose for God to sacrifice His son if humans would know-it-all and handle things by themselves.
When I was a child, I turned to my parents for pretty much everything in life towards survival. They provided shelter, food, clothing, all of my needs. I without a doubt trusted that they would come through on their bargin--they had before. And even sometimes when situations changed or hardships came and our family was in a finanical bind or I how I thought a situations was going to be handled was not handled that way, I still trusted wholeheartedly that my parents would know the right thing to do and in the end, take care of me no matter what. Why don't we have that all-out trust like a child?
Although it would not necessarily make life easier, it would make it less-stressful on our parts.
Trust should challange us, stretch us; but most importantly, Trust should comfort us. Our Father wants nothing more than for His children to rest completely and tightly in His arms while He deals with the plans of our lives.
All we need is a radical Trust just to follow His footsteps, wherever they will lead us.
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